Jean-François Mainguet was born in Sarrebourg, France, on July 3, 1960. He became an engineer for Télécommunications de Bretagne in 1984. Since joining Thomson-CSF Semiconducteurs Spécifiques, Grenoble in 1984, he has been engaged in the development of SOS and SOI rad-hard semiconductor devices, electrical simulation, layout & mask design tools, analog to digital converter design and invented the sweeping technique for direct silicon fingerprint scanning. He was chief scientist of the FingerChip® project since Thomson became Atmel in 2000.
In 2009, he joined the CEA-Leti, Grenoble.
Published papers:
1. J.F. Mainguet, W.Marais "Un capteur thermique saisit les empreintes digitales" Electronique, Juin 1998 p75-85
2. J.F. Mainguet: "Une puce pour les empreintes digitales" La Recherche, Septembre 98 (312) p.46& "Un chip para las huellas dactilares" Mundo Scientifico, November 98 (195) p.44
3. J.F. Mainguet: "Authentifier le vivant" Face Au Risque, Novembre 98
4. J.F. Mainguet, M. Pegulu, and J. B. Harris. "Fingerchip: thermal imaging and finger sweeping in a silicon fingerprint sensor. " In Proc. of AutoID 99 , pages 91?4, October 99.
5. J.F. Mainguet, M. Pegulu and J.B. Harris, " Fingerprint recognition based on silicon chips" Future Generation of Computer Systems 16 (2000), Elsevier, pp. 403-415 (submitted March 1999)
6. J.F. Mainguet "Biometrics for Large-scale Consumer Products" International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, June 2003.
7. J.F. Mainguet, Wei Gong, Anne Wang "Reducing Silicon Fingerprint Sensor Area" International Conference on Biometric Authentication ICBA 2004 Hong-Kong July, 15-17 2004 Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3072 / 2004, pp. 301 - 308 The Wave report
* Identech'98 / Paris / 20 janvier 1998 & 27 mai 1998 "FingerChip, un capteur thermique d'empreintes digitales tout silicium"
* Identech'99 / Paris / 26 janvier 1999 "Technique d'empreintes digitales: les applications du syst?e FingerChip"
* Eurosec'99 / Paris (avec Richard Bault/Cezam) / 23 mars 1999 / Session 7 (programme) "L뭓uthentification par empreinte digitale dans les syst?es d뭝nformation"
* S?inaire Leti-Industrie: Quoi de neuf au sujet des d?ecteurs infrarouges non refroidis? / Ch?eau de Sassenage (France) / 2 avril 1999 "Capteurs d'empreintes digitales par capteurs thermiques"
* Development Institute International / Paris / S?inaire Nouvelles Technologies d'Authentification / 7 mai 1999 "Quel est l'apport des technologies biom?riques dans le contr?e d'acc? physique et logique?"
* Smart Card 2000 / Olympia 2 / London with Richard Bault (Cezam) February 8, 2000 "Fingerprint authentication in IT Systems"
* Development Institute International / Paris / S?inaire Nouvelles Techniques de Signature Electronique & Cryptologie / 20 septembre 2000 "R?ertorier les alternatives offertes par la biom?rie pour s?uriser vos activit? de e-commerce"
* Development Institute International / Paris / S?inaire Mettez ?jour vos techniques de S?urit?Bancaire / 27 septembre 2000 "Tirer profit du d?eloppement de la biom?rie pour am?iorer votre s?urit?bancaire"
* Cartes 2000 / CNIT Paris / October 24, 2000 "Fingerprint recognition based on silicon chips"
Development Institute International / Paris / S?inaire Biom?rie / 5 d?embre 2000 "Comment maximiser la fiabilit?de vos solutions biom?riques et votre s?urit?"
* AI'03 (International Conference on Artificial Intelligence) Las Vegas June 25, 2003 (program) "Biometrics for Large-scale Consumer Products"
* BC'03 (Biometric Consortium Conference) Arlington / September 23, 2003 (program) "Biometrics for Large-scale Consumer Products" (my biography)
* Table ronde INT November 27, 2003 (programme)
* ICBA 2004 / Hong-Kong / July, 15-17 2004 (homepage, program) "Reducing Silicon Fingerprint Sensor Area"
* Fing, r?nion de cl?ure du groupe "Confiance et S?urit? / 28 septembre 2004 / Paris, minist?e de la Recherche Fondation Internet Nouvelle G??ation.
* Development Institute International / Forum 2005 de la S?urit?Bancaire / Paris, le 09 d?embre 2004 "Biom?rie en milieu bancaire"
* Biosec, 2nd workshop / Brussels / January 20, 2005 "Aliveness detection: issues in fingerprint"
* Science&Vie Hors-s?ie novembre 2005 "Les r?olutions de la maison individuelle". Un entrefilet avec l'article sur les serrures.
* Dauphin?Lib??du 2 novembre 2005: "Les puces seront du voyage"
Reed Business Information, Comundi / BIOMETRIE Choisir et mettre en oeuvre votre solution biom?rique / du 14 au 15 D?embre 2005/ Paris (programme)
* Enter 2.0 / agosto 2006 (Colombia) Biometr?, la llave del futuro por Iv? Luzardo. + Identificacion por Biometria, la llave del futuro
* Biometrics 2006 / October, 18-20 / London. "Tutorial: Biometric Sciences - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" (Valorie Valencia leading). "Liveness detection". With so many cases now recorded about the 몊poofing?of biometrics, this highly controversial issue will be examined by one of the world뭩 leading authorities.
* The Register: Steal my ID, steal my fingers - the public gets nervous by Mark Ballard (18th October 2006). (archive) Gizmo Watch: Is Biometric Security Safe for the Fingers? Punto Informatico (20 ottobre 2006): La biometria d?la caccia alle password Insic (26 ottobre 2006): La biometria d?la caccia alle password Redazione Antifurto My comment: this is a truncated version of my words. They forgot to say that it's difficult to define what is life, and so saying if a finger is alive or dead is hard because a surgeon can mend a chop finger. It is possible to make things very hard to spoof. But well, this is a much more attractive article as it is :-)
* Speaker at Cardex 2008 in Cairo, 25-MAY-2008.
* Speaker at Digital Identity Assurance 2009 in Dubai, 3-5-MAY-2009
(2007 Oct, 2008 Oct) Biometrics within New trends in cryptology at the Master M2 SCSI, Universit?Joseph Fourier + Polytech / Ensimag, Grenoble.
Professional Associations, thesis:
International Committee on Information Technology Standards (INCITS), voting member M1 Biometrics Committee, M1.3 & M1.5 (up to end 2007)
Groupe de travail Thermique du vivant ( Andr?Dittmar , CNRS / Lyon )
Jury of N.Galy thesis: "Etude d'un syst?e complet de reconnaissance d'empreintes digitales pour un capteur microsyst?e ?balayage"
"Electron d'or 1998" Electronique / France. ( cover, article )
Brevet 96 07419 "Syst?e de lecture d'empreintes digitales" 14 juin 1996
EP0813164 / FR2749955 / JP10091769 / DE69720109 / AT235718 / ZA9705193 / CA2206825 / CN1119766 / CN1172308 / ES2191816 / IL121045
US 6,289,114 "Fingerprint-reading system" September 11, 2001
US 6,459,804 "Fingerprint-reading system" October 1, 2002
Proc??et dispositif de reconnaissance de personne / Person recognition method and device
FR0300593 2003-01-21 / WO2004068394 / EP1586074 / US20060115128 / FR2850190 / KR20050096142
Proc??et dispositif de s?urisation par reconnaissance de personne / Person recognition securement method and device
FR0300594 2003-01-21 / WO2004068388 / EP1586069 / US20090008459 / FR2850191 / CN1739114 / CA2513619
Proc??d'acquisition d'image d'empreinte digitale / Method for the acquisition of an image of a finger print
FR0308822 2003-07-18 / WO2005015481 / EP1646965 / US20060204061 / FR2857768 / CA2532082 / KR20060052839 / CN1826605
G??ateur de s?uences binaires al?toires / Random binary sequence generator
FR0313491 2003-11-18 / WO2005050434 / EP1685479 / FR2862394 / EP1685479 / CN1879079
Capteur d'empreinte digitale ?deux sens de balayage / Two-Way Scanning Fingerprint Sensor
FR0313661 2003-11-21 / WO2005050540 / EP1685520 / FR2862785 / CA2545033 / KR20060108637 / US2008247615 / JP2007511845 / CN100394434
Dispositif de r?ctivation d'un appareil plac?en mode de veille / Activation apparatus
FR0511970 2005-11-25 / WO2007060178 / EP1952615 / FR2894049 / CN101313562
Syst?e de lecture de microreliefs / Optical sensor
FR0513218 2005-12-23 / EP1969524 / WO2007071572
Sensor manufacture with data storage
US7385381 2007-03-06 / WO2008107450
Sensor monitoring / Surveillance de d?ecteur
US2008219520 2007-03-06 / WO2008107449
Incremental recognition
US20080226135 2007-03-12
Biometric control device
US20090058595 2007-08-30
Interleaving slices and anti-spoof data continuously
US20090060296 2007-08-30
Variable resolution biometric sensor
US20090067684 2007-09-06
Biometric data processing
US20090067679 2007-09-11
Fingerprint Sensor with Bump Packaging
US20090067690 2007-09-11 Hardware method to read impedance
US 02-JUN-2008 12/131,625 ==> aux environs de janvier 2010
Software scoring
US 02-JUN-2008 12/136,400