Friday, March 27, 2009

Global Biometric Standard

Global Biometric Comittee Standard:

Unlike virtual Standard of other Biometrics Standars, Global Biometrics Comittee Standard focus on relaistic standard.
All standard related to integratable fingerprint sensor and on-chip matching algorithm. We do not define any legacy optical sensor fingerprint matching system.

1: algorithm on Chip
CBC 1001 Minutiae
CBC 1002 Complex Plane
CBC 1003 Htybrids

2: sensor
CBC 2001 Resolutionand gray scale evaluation method and definition
CBC 2002 Fingerprint Area Sensor Standard
CBC 2003 Wet finger evaluation method and definition
CBC 2004 Dry finger evaluation method and definition
CBC 2005 ESD fingerprint evaluation method and definition
CBC 2006 Finger touch duration evaluation method and definition.
CBC 2007 Back light duration evaluation method and definition.
CBC 2008 Fake finger duration evaluation method and definitions.

3: Card
CBC 3001 Matching System on Card definition
CBC 3002 Matching System on Card contaxt type definition
CBC 3003 Matching System on Card wireless type definition
CBC 3004 Matching System on Card Combi typr definitions.
CBC 3005 Matching System on Card OPT typr definitions.

5: System
CBC 5001 System FAR and FRR definition

6. BioAPI

Jean-Franqois Mainguet

Jean-François Mainguet was born in Sarrebourg, France, on July 3, 1960. He became an engineer for Télécommunications de Bretagne in 1984. Since joining Thomson-CSF Semiconducteurs Spécifiques, Grenoble in 1984, he has been engaged in the development of SOS and SOI rad-hard semiconductor devices, electrical simulation, layout & mask design tools, analog to digital converter design and invented the sweeping technique for direct silicon fingerprint scanning. He was chief scientist of the FingerChip® project since Thomson became Atmel in 2000.
In 2009, he joined the CEA-Leti, Grenoble.


Published papers:

1. J.F. Mainguet, W.Marais "Un capteur thermique saisit les empreintes digitales" Electronique, Juin 1998 p75-85
2. J.F. Mainguet: "Une puce pour les empreintes digitales" La Recherche, Septembre 98 (312) p.46& "Un chip para las huellas dactilares" Mundo Scientifico, November 98 (195) p.44
3. J.F. Mainguet: "Authentifier le vivant" Face Au Risque, Novembre 98
4. J.F. Mainguet, M. Pegulu, and J. B. Harris. "Fingerchip: thermal imaging and finger sweeping in a silicon fingerprint sensor. " In Proc. of AutoID 99 , pages 91?4, October 99.
5. J.F. Mainguet, M. Pegulu and J.B. Harris, " Fingerprint recognition based on silicon chips" Future Generation of Computer Systems 16 (2000), Elsevier, pp. 403-415 (submitted March 1999)
6. J.F. Mainguet "Biometrics for Large-scale Consumer Products" International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, June 2003.
7. J.F. Mainguet, Wei Gong, Anne Wang "Reducing Silicon Fingerprint Sensor Area" International Conference on Biometric Authentication ICBA 2004 Hong-Kong July, 15-17 2004 Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3072 / 2004, pp. 301 - 308 The Wave report


* Identech'98 / Paris / 20 janvier 1998 & 27 mai 1998 "FingerChip, un capteur thermique d'empreintes digitales tout silicium"
* Identech'99 / Paris / 26 janvier 1999 "Technique d'empreintes digitales: les applications du syst?e FingerChip"
* Eurosec'99 / Paris (avec Richard Bault/Cezam) / 23 mars 1999 / Session 7 (programme) "L뭓uthentification par empreinte digitale dans les syst?es d뭝nformation"
* S?inaire Leti-Industrie: Quoi de neuf au sujet des d?ecteurs infrarouges non refroidis? / Ch?eau de Sassenage (France) / 2 avril 1999 "Capteurs d'empreintes digitales par capteurs thermiques"
* Development Institute International / Paris / S?inaire Nouvelles Technologies d'Authentification / 7 mai 1999 "Quel est l'apport des technologies biom?riques dans le contr?e d'acc? physique et logique?"
* Smart Card 2000 / Olympia 2 / London with Richard Bault (Cezam) February 8, 2000 "Fingerprint authentication in IT Systems"
* Development Institute International / Paris / S?inaire Nouvelles Techniques de Signature Electronique & Cryptologie / 20 septembre 2000 "R?ertorier les alternatives offertes par la biom?rie pour s?uriser vos activit? de e-commerce"
* Development Institute International / Paris / S?inaire Mettez ?jour vos techniques de S?urit?Bancaire / 27 septembre 2000 "Tirer profit du d?eloppement de la biom?rie pour am?iorer votre s?urit?bancaire"
* Cartes 2000 / CNIT Paris / October 24, 2000 "Fingerprint recognition based on silicon chips"
Development Institute International / Paris / S?inaire Biom?rie / 5 d?embre 2000 "Comment maximiser la fiabilit?de vos solutions biom?riques et votre s?urit?"
* AI'03 (International Conference on Artificial Intelligence) Las Vegas June 25, 2003 (program) "Biometrics for Large-scale Consumer Products"
* BC'03 (Biometric Consortium Conference) Arlington / September 23, 2003 (program) "Biometrics for Large-scale Consumer Products" (my biography)
* Table ronde INT November 27, 2003 (programme)
* ICBA 2004 / Hong-Kong / July, 15-17 2004 (homepage, program) "Reducing Silicon Fingerprint Sensor Area"
* Fing, r?nion de cl?ure du groupe "Confiance et S?urit? / 28 septembre 2004 / Paris, minist?e de la Recherche Fondation Internet Nouvelle G??ation.
* Development Institute International / Forum 2005 de la S?urit?Bancaire / Paris, le 09 d?embre 2004 "Biom?rie en milieu bancaire"
* Biosec, 2nd workshop / Brussels / January 20, 2005 "Aliveness detection: issues in fingerprint"
* Science&Vie Hors-s?ie novembre 2005 "Les r?olutions de la maison individuelle". Un entrefilet avec l'article sur les serrures.
* Dauphin?Lib??du 2 novembre 2005: "Les puces seront du voyage"
Reed Business Information, Comundi / BIOMETRIE Choisir et mettre en oeuvre votre solution biom?rique / du 14 au 15 D?embre 2005/ Paris (programme)
* Enter 2.0 / agosto 2006 (Colombia) Biometr?, la llave del futuro por Iv? Luzardo. + Identificacion por Biometria, la llave del futuro
* Biometrics 2006 / October, 18-20 / London. "Tutorial: Biometric Sciences - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" (Valorie Valencia leading). "Liveness detection". With so many cases now recorded about the 몊poofing?of biometrics, this highly controversial issue will be examined by one of the world뭩 leading authorities.
* The Register: Steal my ID, steal my fingers - the public gets nervous by Mark Ballard (18th October 2006). (archive) Gizmo Watch: Is Biometric Security Safe for the Fingers? Punto Informatico (20 ottobre 2006): La biometria d?la caccia alle password Insic (26 ottobre 2006): La biometria d?la caccia alle password Redazione Antifurto My comment: this is a truncated version of my words. They forgot to say that it's difficult to define what is life, and so saying if a finger is alive or dead is hard because a surgeon can mend a chop finger. It is possible to make things very hard to spoof. But well, this is a much more attractive article as it is :-)
* Speaker at Cardex 2008 in Cairo, 25-MAY-2008.
* Speaker at Digital Identity Assurance 2009 in Dubai, 3-5-MAY-2009


(2007 Oct, 2008 Oct) Biometrics within New trends in cryptology at the Master M2 SCSI, Universit?Joseph Fourier + Polytech / Ensimag, Grenoble.

Professional Associations, thesis:

International Committee on Information Technology Standards (INCITS), voting member M1 Biometrics Committee, M1.3 & M1.5 (up to end 2007)
Groupe de travail Thermique du vivant ( Andr?Dittmar , CNRS / Lyon )
Jury of N.Galy thesis: "Etude d'un syst?e complet de reconnaissance d'empreintes digitales pour un capteur microsyst?e ?balayage"


"Electron d'or 1998" Electronique / France. ( cover, article )


Brevet 96 07419 "Syst?e de lecture d'empreintes digitales" 14 juin 1996
EP0813164 / FR2749955 / JP10091769 / DE69720109 / AT235718 / ZA9705193 / CA2206825 / CN1119766 / CN1172308 / ES2191816 / IL121045
US 6,289,114 "Fingerprint-reading system" September 11, 2001
US 6,459,804 "Fingerprint-reading system" October 1, 2002
Proc??et dispositif de reconnaissance de personne / Person recognition method and device
FR0300593 2003-01-21 / WO2004068394 / EP1586074 / US20060115128 / FR2850190 / KR20050096142
Proc??et dispositif de s?urisation par reconnaissance de personne / Person recognition securement method and device
FR0300594 2003-01-21 / WO2004068388 / EP1586069 / US20090008459 / FR2850191 / CN1739114 / CA2513619
Proc??d'acquisition d'image d'empreinte digitale / Method for the acquisition of an image of a finger print
FR0308822 2003-07-18 / WO2005015481 / EP1646965 / US20060204061 / FR2857768 / CA2532082 / KR20060052839 / CN1826605
G??ateur de s?uences binaires al?toires / Random binary sequence generator
FR0313491 2003-11-18 / WO2005050434 / EP1685479 / FR2862394 / EP1685479 / CN1879079
Capteur d'empreinte digitale ?deux sens de balayage / Two-Way Scanning Fingerprint Sensor
FR0313661 2003-11-21 / WO2005050540 / EP1685520 / FR2862785 / CA2545033 / KR20060108637 / US2008247615 / JP2007511845 / CN100394434
Dispositif de r?ctivation d'un appareil plac?en mode de veille / Activation apparatus
FR0511970 2005-11-25 / WO2007060178 / EP1952615 / FR2894049 / CN101313562
Syst?e de lecture de microreliefs / Optical sensor
FR0513218 2005-12-23 / EP1969524 / WO2007071572
Sensor manufacture with data storage
US7385381 2007-03-06 / WO2008107450
Sensor monitoring / Surveillance de d?ecteur
US2008219520 2007-03-06 / WO2008107449
Incremental recognition
US20080226135 2007-03-12
Biometric control device
US20090058595 2007-08-30
Interleaving slices and anti-spoof data continuously
US20090060296 2007-08-30
Variable resolution biometric sensor
US20090067684 2007-09-06
Biometric data processing
US20090067679 2007-09-11
Fingerprint Sensor with Bump Packaging
US20090067690 2007-09-11 Hardware method to read impedance

US 02-JUN-2008 12/131,625 ==> aux environs de janvier 2010

Software scoring

US 02-JUN-2008 12/136,400


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Article of e-Smart Super Smart Card on Korean News Paper

케이엘넷, 지문 찍어야 읽히는 카드 개발
도용방지 0.3㎜ 초박형 개발

카드에 달린 생체인식 센서에 손가락을 갖다 대야 작동하는 보안 솔루션이 국내 기술로 처음 개발됐다. IT솔루션 기업 케이엘넷(대표 박정천)은 지문인식 시스템을 장착한 보안 솔루션(USSㆍUbiquitous Security Service)을 이스마트코리아 등 4개 회사와 공동으로 개발했다고 16일 밝혔다.

USS는 케이엘넷이 자체 설계한 네트워크형 보안 서비스로 신용카드와 교통카드 사원증 학생증 출입증 등 각종 카드 솔루션에 모두 적용할 수 있는 것이 특징이다.

두께 0.33㎜ 초박형 IC칩 카드에 지문인식 센서와 처리회로를 내장했다. 기업이 이 카드를 채택하면 박 대리는 회사 단말기에 카드 앞부분을 넣고 뒷부분의 지문인식 센서를 손가락으로 눌러야 출근한 것으로 인식된다.

박정천 케이엘넷 대표는 "카드 분실 시 발생하는 각종 도용 사고 우려를 사전에 차단하는 동시에 누군가가 대리로 입력하는 것을 원천 봉쇄할 수 있어 정확한 출입 파악이 가능하다"고 설명했다. 또 이를 신용카드에 적용하면 도용에 따른 카드사와 고객 간 법적 분쟁도 차단할 수 있다.

아울러 신분증 신용카드 교통카드 홈쇼핑 TV뱅킹 등 다목적 용도로 사용할 수 있도록 제작했다. 따라서 카드 여러 장을 갖고 다닐 필요가 없는 셈이다. 박 대표는 "보안과 정확한 출입 기록이 동시에 필요한 카드사 통신사 대학 연구소 공항 등 어디서든 적용할 수 있는 솔루션"이라며 "사용자별로 서버 접근 권한을 설정할 수 있어 정보가 유출될 염려도 줄였다"고 설명했다.

다만 이 카드는 케이엘넷에서 제공하는 단말기와 솔루션 소프트웨어 등 시스템이 있어야 사용할 수 있다. 이와 관련해 케이엘넷은 `다중인증에 대한 시스템 보안`이라는 이름으로 국내 특허를 출원할 예정이다. [이상덕 기자]

Development of Smart Card which operates only with the fingerprint
* This article is from Korean News Paper, Maeil Kyongjae (Everyday Economy).

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Global Biometrics Comittee

Global Biometrics Comittee has established the standard method of avaluating fingerprint macthing accuracy of the fingerprint matching system, comprising of matching program, fimgerprint sensor and computing system.Teruhiko Tamori, Head of Biometric Technology of Global Biometrics Comittee has established this standard through his 20 years experinece of fingerprint sensor and matching algorithm R&D.There is no equivalent standard in the world.

** Please, click on the images to enlarge.

** Please, click on the images to enlarge.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Article of e-Smart Super Smart Card on Nikkei Electronics

There is an article of e-Smart's Super Smart Card on honorable 1000th Edition Nikkei Electronics, the #1 electronics megazine in Japan.

US Venture Company Develops Thin Fingerprint Sensor to Be Embedded in IC Cards

e-Smart's Super Smart Cards Inhouse Proprietary Low Temeprature Plastic Molding Production in P&E Center Korea

P&E Center of e-Smart Technology Inc. has developed it's own low temperature platic molding process and start in-house production in P&E Center.
This process enables complicated embedded components such for wireless power card manufacturing and flexible sensor card molding.

Card Lamination
Card Design Printing

ISO Pad Test

Function Check

Monday, March 16, 2009

Teruhiko Tamori

Teruhiko has been a world leading inventor in hardware analog, digital and Microwave technology area, covering automobile auto alignment system and fuel jet control, wireless communications, mixed signal area as well as software area, especially micro computer programming. The most profound and epoch making technology breakthrough is on his invention of fingerprint sensor, including semiconductor sensor and pressure type fingerprint sensor, which is water proof and ESD proof and further he developed the very accurate fingerprint matching algorithm and actual microcode program, which he invented new highly sophisticated program, using complex plane filtering and further basic Minutiae algorithm. He also made standard of FAA and FAR for Global Biometrics Card Committee (GBCC). He is also responsible for standardizations of BioAPI for GBCC.
Tamio Saito(Left) and Teruhiko Tamori (Right)
Teruhiko is Chief Biometric Officer (CBO) of e-Smart technology, Inc. and President and CEO of BMF Corporations.

1. How world first Waterproof, ESD Proof, Pressure Sensitive Fingerprint Sensor has been developed.

In 1978 Mr.Fukushima, president and founder of ENIX, largest game programming company, such for SONY play station, when the company was very small on the only game was done in the computer with 5.25” drive, asked me to develop a fingerprint key system of the door. At that time, there was no DOS, no Windows, no MicroSoft.
Mr.Fukushima at that time, gaming market may have some limitation up to 10 years and after gaming market, he believes the door access by fingerprint will be the future.
He was born in Hokkaido, northern part of Japan, where people think security is very important. And he does not want carry any keys, just want to use his finger to open the door. He was investigating how may doors in the world and how large the market is. I told him successful possibility is 50% so I do not want to do that, but he told me if there is 1% possibility, still there is a possibility, so even though he will lose all money he will be happy, even though he is very stingy person. But I believe that person like Mr.Fukushima is the real pioneer and I am disappointed by US investor, who invests small amount of money and push too much. Actually total amount of money which Mr.Fukushima invested me by expenses but not by security is around $60M and I am curious how much money e-Smart has been invested on the sensor. I agreed with e-Smart to sell all IP, market and product development by $60M investment by Mr. Fukushima, for only $2M. This is because I trust e-Smart market, such as fingerprint sensor on a smart card is large and TERUHIKO wan to work together with e-Smart.
Mr.Fukushima now has billions of dollars and retired already and no interest in fingerprint market.
Teruhiko made the world first fingerprint sensor in 1983. Teruhiko made a matrix sensor by asking Mimura printing by making 50 micron pitch, but there was too many pinholes.
Then I made world first semiconductor fingerprint sensor development in 1995 and the patent is granted. May companies, including Fujitsu, Infineon, Veridicom, Finger Card and other companies were all infringing my patents. So, even Fujitsu sensor is based on may patents, so it can be called as my sensor, thus can be called e-Smart/BMF IP sensor. This means no one can make smart card with semiconductor sensor except e-Smart. If IDSmart or any other parties used semiconductor sensor, infringing Teruhiko patents, e-Smart and or BMF has right to sue them.
In 1995, I spent more than $1M to NEC to make semiconductor fingerprint sensor and they made a fingerprint sensor. Price was too high ($80).
Then I asked SONY in 1998 to make glass substrate sensor, using poly-Silicon TFT, which has been used in LCD display. Mr. Kato, god father of LCD display finally agreed to make fingerprint sensor after 6 months negotiations. SONY has high temperature poly silicon TFT technology using quartz substrate, where annealing temperature is 1200 degree centigrade. In 1999, I have displayed SONY-made sensor in Cebit 1999.
This was $100 per sensor. SONY, afterwards, decided to make their own sensor and by their own ego stopped making my sensor.
Then I had to move to SANYO to make a sensor based on Low temperature poly Silicon TFT. What is good was SANYO was so happy to do that thus they invested us $1.5M. later I bought back all shares I sold at that time and thus I have all my right on BMF.
They made a sensor in 2000 and start selling sensor from 2001. At the same time I asked NEC to back up. NEC made FBI size sensor whereas the size is 1”x1” for me.
SANYO made 85,000 pcs of sensor.

2. IP of sensors.
Tamori have filed more than 50 patents, most of that has been granted.

3. Sensors in the Market
In so many places my sensor has been used.
A) Police Department: In 2001 we sold sensor to Gunma Police department. We have won the competition over NEC on this deal, because my sensor is water proof and dry finger proof, but NEC was using Prism, which is not water proof or dry finger proof. But they asked us to sell through NEC for keeping face. The volume was around 10,000. Price was $30.

B) Denver Airport:
My sensor has been used in Denver airport to check Pilots and flight attendants for smuggling and drugs carry since 2005. About 2,999-3,000 sensor has been sold to them.

C) Gun Case:
Chinese companies has been using my sensor to Gun case for worldwide market. Total amount was around 20,000.

D) Contracts with e-Smart
Summary of contracts:
BMF made an agreement with e-Smart International, Inc. (IVI Smart) for close business relationship. Teruhiko serves as Chief Biometrics Officer of e-Smart Technology, Inc..
Teruhiko fully guides and supports the development of SUS based flexible fingerprint sensor development work with University and related manufacturers.

Click on the image to enlarge.

Water Proof Test on the New Flexible Fingerprint Sensor

Mr. Tamio Saito is dropping an eye drop into his eye.

Some eye drops are being dropped on top of the new flexible sensor.

The new flexible sensor can still sense the fingerprint with water.

After wiping off the water on the sensor, the sensor can still sense the surface of the necktie.
New Water-Proof Test Video:

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Tamio Saito

Tamio Saito has been a pioneer in the area of Biometrics Security and Smart Card and Thin Film Semiconductor Image sensor area as well as Multiple Level memory, Memory Modules, which enables digital camera, World first note book PC development (under Librex, even before Toshiba’s), Pre-historical development toward PCMCIA card . This experience in Toshiba R&D, Nippon Steel and it’s venture Librex Computer Systems, Inc., Solidas Corporations, BigBang Technology, Inc. (e-Commerce pioneer), stimulated the new SECUSIRTY PARADIME, Biometrics Personal ID System.
He initiated world first Biometrics ID concept in 1982 and that patent has been granted as JP 1809417.

This business has been carried by e-Smart Technology, International, Inc. (Formally IVI Smart Technology, Inc.) and e-Smart Technology, Inc. He developed the smart card with fingerprint sensor but matching calculation is made within the card. Fingerprint template is stored on the card, and if the card holder put his fingerprint, MPU in the card compares the newly captured fingerprint against the template. If fingerprint matches, card ISO communication is validated. May secret communication protocol and encryption further leverage the security. The patent has been granted as USP 7278025. Tamio further made wireless powered card with General Manager of wireless lab of e-Smart, Marcello Soliven, who invented wireless power and signal method. This enables obtaining power 120 mW from normal ISO 14443 A/B reader as well as digital communications. Actually card can be compatible to any wireless protocol if we wish.
Tamio further developed a flexible, waterproof, ESD proof fingerprint sensor using stainless steel substrate with Chief Biometric Officer of e-Smart, Teruhiko Tamori, who is denoted as an inventor of semiconductor fingerprint sensor, pressure fingerprint sensor and Dr. Jang, who is also professor of University, who is denoted as pioneer of metal foil LTPS semiconductor circuit. .
Tamio also set up manufacturing in Korea, and the production is being held in Korea. The cards were distributed or purchased by around 40 companies or Governmental Organizations in Korea and Italy.
His development and manufacturing has been fully supported by engineers, manufacturing stuffs of P&E Center in Korea.
Korea provides least expensive and highest quality manufacturing and high quality, hard working, very loyal engineers. Korea is the security country where high percentage people are using credit card, national ID has fingerprint and front to North Korea. Korean Government and Korean Large Firms have been tremendously supportive to e-Smart, which has been very contrasted to the States, where Tamio experienced three attempt of destructions.

I. Biometrics Personal ID
Tamio Saito, in Toshiba R&D Center, have developed amorphous silicon image sensor.
In Toshiba R&D Tamio had researched security system in the future since 1982 and filed the patent of Method of personal Identifications by Biometrics in 1983, the patent is granted in 1993-12-10 as Japanese Patent Number 1809417 has become first biometrics personal ID in the smart card in the industry.

This patent is broadly claimed and not only fingerprint, whatsoever physical or chemical information related to the body, including fingerprint (All BIOMTERIC SMART CARD infringes), retina, finger pattern, voice, hand pattern, blood vessel pattern (HITACHI infringes, All Banks using HITACHI Vessel infringes, All Card company using vessels infringes), DNA, but not limited to, in the smart card, used as the IDENTIFICARTION OF INDIVIDUAL.

II. Fingerprint Sensor Background

Tamio’s professional Background related to Fingerprint Sensor Development is shown in papers and or patents on biometrics, smart card, image sensor, thin film semiconductor, thin film device, circuit design, image signal circuit are shown below as list of some paper and list of some patents. Image sensor circuit and pressure sensor circuit are so much similar as below:

1) 5142381 Complete close-contact type image sensor August 25, 1992
A complete close-contact type image sensor which comes into contact with an original and reads information from the original and which includes a sensor element for photoelectro conversion of a light signal reflected from the original and electronic parts such as a driven unit for drivin

2) 5128781 Transmissive liquid display apparatus having a thin construction without diminished brightness July 7, 1992
A liquid crystal display apparatus comprising a liquid crystal display panel, plate-like light introducing means disposed behind the liquid crystal display panel, at least one light source receiving portion formed in the intermediate portion of the light introducing means, a light source

3) 4808833 Image sensors using a photo-sensing element array and matrix wires methods of manufacturing same February 28, 1989
An image sensor having first wires formed in parallel on a first region of a substrate; a semiconductor layer formed on the first region covering the first wires and on a second region of said substrate; first electrodes arranged in line, connecting to the semiconductor layer of said sec
3) 4803375 Image sensors and methods of manufacturing same including semiconductor layer over entire substr February 7, 1989

4) An image sensor, comprising a semiconductor layer formed on at least a first region of a substrate; first electrodes arranged in line and electrically connected to the semiconductor layer of said first region; and second electrodes arranged in line and electrically connected to said

5) 4772951 Solid state image sensor with cell array of amorphous semiconductor photoelectric converting ele September 20, 1988
A contact-type linear image sensor has two separate substrates aligned adjacent to each other. A linear array of amorphous silicon photoelectric converting elements serving as photoelectric cells and a matrix wiring unit are provided on a first substrate. Driver IC chips are mounted on a

6) 4719348 Optical sensor having heating element to heat amorphous semiconductor film January 12, 1988
In an optical sensor, a heating element is formed on a substrate, and an amorphous semiconductor film is formed on an insulating layer covering the heating element, and is electrically insulated from the heating element. A common electrode and a plurality of electrodes are also formed on

7) 4672221 Photoelectric conversion element with light shielding conductive layer June 9, 1987
A photoelectric conversion element comprises a substrate, a plurality of separate electrodes arranged in a row on the substrate, signal lead-out parts extending from the separate electrodes alternately to the left and the right in a direction perpendicular to the arranging direction of t

8) 4663535 Color image sensor May 5, 1987
A contact type color image sensor reads out a document image at its actual size while moving along the length of the document. The photosensitive cell arrays, each having pixel electrodes which prescribe n photosensitive cells (where n is a positive integer), are aligned on the substrate

9) 4654536 Contact color image sensor March 31, 1987
A contact-type color image sensor in which pixel electrodes are linearly provided in a main scanning direction and three (or four) rows thereof are arrayed in a subscanning direction, color filters for color-separating are provided to oppose the pixel electrodes, an amorphous semiconduct

10) 4617471 Image sensing device October 14, 1986
An image sensing device including an array of photovoltaic conversion elements on a substrate to convert incident light from an image plane to be read into electrical signals. The electrical signals are transferred to a plurality of signal reading circuits, which are constructed by a

III. SMART CARD (IC Card Background)

Tamio made the world first working Smart Card for Mitsui Bank while he has with Toshiba R&D Center. Tamio’s card structure is typically circuit and interconnection, using FPCB and or polymer printed interconnection.

* 特許1821820 ICカ-ド (1985)
* 特許1809417 個人識別方式
* 特許1798522 回路基板
* 特公平05-029958 ICカ-ド
* 特許1735031 ICカ-ド
* 特許1735025 ICカ-ドの製造方法
* 特許1735024 ICカ-ド
* 特許1735023 ICカ-ド (1984)
* 特公平05-005197 回路基板
* 特公平04-069428 半導体装置
* 特許1705158 ICカ-ドの製造方法
* 特許1698873 ICカ-ド
* 特許1698872 ICカ-ドの製造方法
* 特公平04-039798 ハイブリッド集積回路
* 特公平04-017478 ICカ-ド
* 特公平04-016837 ICカ-ドの製造方法
* 特公平04-016836 ICカ-ド
* 特公平04-016835 ICカ-ド
* 特公平03-070272 ICカ-ドの製造方法
* 特公平03-063779 ICカ-ド
* 特公平03-063778 ICカ-ドの製造方法
* 特許1613005 回路基板の製造方法
* 特許1607417 集積回路装置
* 特許1607416 ICカ-ド
* 特許1601335 回路基板の製造方法
* 特公平02-039877 回路基板の製造方法
* 特公平02-033198 ICカ-ド
* 7278025 Secure biometric verification of identity October 2, 2007
A high security identification card includes an on-board memory for stored biometric data and an on-board sensor for capturing live biometric data. An on-board processor on the card performs a matching operation to verify that the captured biometric data matches the locally stored biomet
* 5185516 Card-type IC-mounting board February 9, 1993
A card-type IC-mounting board for detachably setting in a selected type of device, and for controlling predetermined external equipment relating the device. The card-type IC mounting board includes a card-type base plate made of an insulating material of a predetermined size, and an IC-b
* 5150047 Member for use in assembly of integrated circuit elements and a method of testing assembled inte September 22, 1992
An apparatus for assembly and testing of an IC element having a first section designated for primary functions of the IC element and a second section designated for testing of the IC element, including a substrate made of a film of insulating material and having an IC-mounting portion
* 5142381 Complete close-contact type image sensor August 25, 1992
* 5049980 Electronic circuit device and method of manufacturing same September 17, 1991
Plural semiconductor elements are buried into an insulating substrate, and top surfaces of semiconductor elements and the substrate are in a same plane. A photosensitive dry film is covered on surfaces of the substrate and semiconductor elements. The photosensitive dry film has openings
* 5031022 Film carrier for mounting IC chips July 9, 1991
An IC chip is packaged on a film carrier. The film carrier comprises an insulation film and many conductive leads formed on the insulation film in predetermined patterns. Each of the leads has an inner lead portion to be connected to a terminal of the IC chip, and an outer lead portion t
* 4878098 Semiconductor integrated circuit device October 31, 1989
A semiconductor integrated circuit device according to the present invention comprises a chip substrate formed of a semiconductor. Formed on a surface of the chip substrate is an integrated circuit and a plurality of chip terminals which are located to the outside of the integrated c
* 4754319 IC card and method for manufacturing the same June 28, 1988
In an IC card according to the present invention, a base sheet formed of thermoplastic material is sandwiched between a substrate sheet and a dummy sheet both formed of nonplastic material lower in thermoplasticity than the base sheet. The substrate sheet is fitted with at least one IC c
* 4751126 A method of making a circuit board and a circuit board produced thereby June 14, 1988
A circuit board is prepared such that at least two resin substrates are laminated and bonded by thermocompression, a circuit pattern made of a resin composition containing a conductor material is formed on at least one of opposing surfaces of the substrates, a region of the substrate
* 4644093 Circuit board February 17, 1987
A circuit board comprises a substrate made of a semi-insulating or insulating material, an insulating layer formed on the substrate and having a lower dielectric constant than the dielectric constant of the substrate, and a plurality of wiring conductors formed at predetermined inter
* 4621190 Card with an IC module November 4, 1986
The credit card includes an IC module having a data processing function, an insulation body for holding the IC module, and a plurality of terminals which are formed on the insulation body. The plurality of terminals are first and second contact pads to which a drive power and a data sign
* 4370699 Printed wiring board for recording or displaying information January 25, 1983

CHAPTER II Prior R&D Activities on Fingerprint Sensor

I. R&D in live body detection (under BBT).
R&D in University of San Francisco using Mouse with medical and DNA, metabolism R&D professional, invented the method to measure the electrical characteristics of active body. Initiated biochemical activities by electronical method. Identify activities liver, heart, muscle etc, by the method.
Applied this method to sense live finger detection. Patent filed.
Patent has been assigned to e-Smart International.

II. Patents on Biometrics verifications card under e-Smart International ( IVI Smart) :
*US Patent 7278025 - Secure biometric verification of identity

III. Other Pending Patents under e-SMART.

e-Smart Super Smart Card Samples